A picture of a drink that is obviously
not Lemon Yakult Green Tea 

About this Page

Lemon Yakult Green Tea
The name itself comes from my favorite drink menu from the store 'Happy Lemon'. It's a mix of Lemon + Yakult + Green Tea +  a lot of waters, but it tastes amazingly great and fresh.

I love the freshness feeling of drinking this drink, loving it so much that I'm so obsessed with it!

Why did I make this blog?
It's because, I love sharing stories, sharing my opinion to people but I wanted to just remain anonymous, so I won't be judged by doing so. Also, sometimes in life, I was feeling stressed out over university, feeling tired and depressed because of the task and my scores, I tried to distract myself by writing this blog and doing things I love.

The Language of this Page?
It keeps changing, depends on my mood, sometimes in English, and sometimes I write in Indonesia, or a mix of it.

I'm just hoping that people could understand that most of the posts on my blogs are merely an opinion, and I hope that we could exchange opinions without hurting and mocking each other. 🙏